Since 2018, has made it our mission to change the way both landlords and tenants approach renting in Canada. As our safe and trusted rental community continues to grow, we're constantly listening to feedback...

Since 2018, has made it our mission to change the way both landlords and tenants approach renting in Canada. As our safe and trusted rental community continues to grow, we're constantly listening to feedback... is excited to announce our arrival on the Toronto rental...
The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced many industries to push...
[LAST UPDATED: October 6, 2020] In these unprecedented and uncertain...
Filling vacancies promptly is always the first priority...
New to's Landlord Plans, we've added flexible, 'à...
Verification is an essential part of our mission to create...
Owning a rental property can be seriously hard work for...
For landlords, protecting your property investment is...
Welcome to our "Landlord Success Story" series, where...
Nearly every landlord's goal is to rent their listing...
Toronto Metropolitan University, formerly known as Ryerson...
There are a number of reasons why renters may seek...
Today's landlords have benefitted greatly from the rapid...
More so now than ever before, property managers in Canada...
Since 2018, has made it our mission to change the...
Information privacy is a hot-button issue that's taken...
Vancouver, BC is a truly spectacular place to call home....
Lease addendums are an invaluable tool for landlords...
The last thing any landlord wants is an irresponsible...