New report reveals how immigration and interprovincial migration are driving Canada’s rent prices What are the factors behind Canada's rising rent prices? How will migration patterns and construction growth affect...

New report reveals how immigration and interprovincial migration are driving Canada’s rent prices What are the factors behind Canada's rising rent prices? How will migration patterns and construction growth affect...
Rental Trends in February 2021 Now a month into 2021, COVID-19 restrictions continue to have Vancouverites...
Vancouver's Rental Housing Market weathered the perfect storm of pandemic induced events in 2020. Thanks to federal...
Rental Trends in January 2021 As we say good riddance to a historic year and welcome 2021, many Vancouverites...
Rental Trends in December 2020 As we enter enter the final month of an unusual year, Vancouverites have grown...
This month we take a look at the state of the rental...
This month, we take a look at the state of the rental...
This month, we take a look at the state of the rental...